Our rootzones are blended high quality sands and soil produced at our dedicated mixing station in West Grimstead, Wiltshire
Tested and graded to ensure compliance with USGA specifications, our rootzones maintain organic content and pH balance in a well-drained surface. This carefully blended combination provides the optimum environment to promote the free passage of air and water to roots to support strong, natural growth.
We can create bespoke rootzone mixes, while also offering a whole host of other soil and sand blends that have been crafted to assist in improving the quality of turfed areas.
Our sand grains are sub-angular to sub-rounded thus maintaining balance for soil moisture percolation and retention. All soils are field-sourced and independently tested before use.

USGA Rootzone Mixes
50:50 - 80:20
These blends are a mixture of sports sand and soil. All soil is tested and field sourced. Our rootzone blends are ideal for construction of sport pitches and golf courses. Works perfectly with our drainage shingle (link to construction aggregates), can be used for seeding or below turf. Conforms to USGA rootzone criteria including Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity (drainage rate mm/h), Air Fill Porosity (total air in the rootzone at ‘field capacity’), Capillary Capacity (total water in the rootzone at ‘field capacity).
These blends are a mixture of sports sand and screened soil amendment. All soil is tested and field sourced. Our rootzone blends are ideal for construction of sport pitches where player traction is important but still provides good drainage characteristics.
- Golf courses
- Sports pitches
- Can be used as a divot mix
- Top dressing for domestic lawns
- Loose 5-29 tonnes
- Bulk Bags

Organo Dress 64
A 60:40 blend of 10mm screened green waste compost (pas 100) and medium-coarse sand used for dressings and as a divot mix or rootzone.
- Fairways and roughs
- Sports pitches
- Can be used as a divot mix or rootzone
Loose (5 tonnes to 29 tonnes)
Bulk Bags